May 16, 2021

“Walking Towards the Light”

Passage: Psalm 4:1-8; I John 1:5-10
Service Type:


  • Authentically Christian
    • Step one – Surrender
    • Step two – Realize that there is help
    • Step three – turn your will and your life over to the care of God
    • Step four – Take stock of your life.
      • To that end, we’ll talk about sanctification and how we can participate in it.
      • To truly be Christian, one needs to take an inventory of your present life.
        • The first step towards solving any problem is to recognize that you have one.



  • Measuring talent according to one standard when another is far more appropriate.
    • What if we were to consider judging a flying contest and somehow a bear got into the contest?
      • The bear wouldn’t do well, would it?
    • In a similar way, if we measure ourselves by the standards of the world around us, we can come up with
      • The measure we Christians evaluate ourselves is through comparison to Jesus.
    • The Christian is called to the ongoing work of self-evaluation in order to be sanctified in the power of the Holy Spirit.



  • It may surprise you but the goal of the Christian life isn’t to make it into heaven.
    • Instead, the goal is to expand our relationship with Jesus Christ
      • Jesus Christ IS life
        • John 1:4 – “In him was life, and the life was the light of men
        • John 10:10 – “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
      • Sanctification is a never-ending process.
        • Origen – There is always more of God to know and love (He’s infinite)
      • Justification and sanctification
        • Being made holy – set apart for God.
        • Different than justification – that is the means by which God in Christ moves us out of the darkness and into his glorious light
          • Justification is entirely the work of God.
          • Jesus “justifies us” through his death and resurrection
            • We are “Set right” with God
              • Romans 5:18 – “Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.”
            • Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit occurring within us.
              • Now, make no mistake about it, it FEELS very much like we’re doing all the heavy lifting, but we are being powered by God.
            • Calvin once wrote that where there is no spirit of sanctification, there may not be justification.

God is going to make Holy those who He has saved.

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