December 12, 2021

“The Power of Joy” – Third Sunday of Advent

Passage: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Philippians 4:4-7
Service Type:

Advent Joy

  • Things get dull over time, don’t they?
    • I remember the first time I made a really great omelet.
      • They’re harder to do than you might imagine
      • I worked hard, not the most coordinated person in the world
      • Man, was I happy.
    • Now, I can practically bang out a cheese omelet with my eyes closed.
      • While that’s not, it doesn’t make me happy.
    • Second time you watch MOST movies, they get a little less enjoyable
      • You see plot holes, bad acting, the second time through.
    • Happiness needs novelty, newness otherwise it ceases to make quite as happy.
    • Most joyful feeling in the world
      • Ryan story – reading letters
      • There was a lot going on in my life at the time
        • Wasn’t happy at church I was serving
        • Other struggles of life
        • BOOM JOY
          • Saw his, became joyous
            • Reminded me of the whole sweep of the Christian story
          • Joy is always, well, joyful!



  • Happiness is. Feeling generally tied to exterior things, joy is more of an inner satisfaction. 
  • Happiness can be achieved singularly, joy requires another participant (God, other people, etc.)
  • Happiness can be synthesized
    • Big Macs make me pretty happy
    • Dan Gilbert (2014) made a big deal about synthesizing happiness.
      • It’s a way to convert it to joy but, well, have you heard of either synthetic happiness or Dan Gilbert?
        • It can’t be done consistently without a Christian worldview
          • Why?
            • Hope falters without an understanding of The Kingdom.
            • There are somethings from which happiness cannot be synthesized WITHOUT an understanding of God.

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