March 27, 2022

“Our Prodigal God”

Passage: Psalm 32; Luke 15:11-32
Service Type:
  1. Losing Things
  • I lose things all the time
  • One of the worst things ever, is to lose your keys
    • Always happens when you’re running late
  • Natalie put in a key holder near the entrance to the door, saves my bacon more days than I’d care to admit.
  • Feeling when lost things are found?
    • Fantastic, isn’t it?


  1. Lostness
  • Today we’re going to talk a lot about being lost.
  • Sometimes we think that the lost people are the skid row bums and the prostitutes and the ilk
    • And they’re lost
    • But sometimes, so are we
  • Today, we get the story of not One but TWO lost brothers
    • Only one of them gets found though.


  • Read the Passage


  1. Story – The Far Country
  • Randy didn’t want to find himself lost
  • He started life like any kid but, according to him, he got full of himself
    • Then he got into drugs
  • Next thing you know, Randy robbed three convenience stores with a gun and is sentenced to 12 years in the penitentiary.
  • I met him doing Kairos
  • He talks so powerfully about being lost but what’s interesting is if you take the details out of it, the emotions he describes, well, we all understand
    • You may never have been strung out on drugs or robbing stores, but if you’ve lived a few years on this side of eternity, you know exactly what it’s like to feel lost
      • IT’s a feeling that nobody is watching and that worse, nobody cares
      • It’s feeling that because nobody is watching and that nobody cares, you can do whatever you want
        • Seems like it’ll be freeing
          • No morality
          • No ethics
          • No rules
            • But living that way? It only amplifies your loneliness as life becomes a collection of hangers on and half-hearted friends who can’t be counted on. 
          • In that self-manufactured isolation from others as well as God, we become inclined to selfishness
            • The selfishness is what dooms us.
          • Every one of us travels to the far country on occasion
        • Where is the Far country?
          • I always think of it as being Vegas
            • After all, there’s sin aplenty to be found there!
              • Everything the younger brother was after
                • Sex, gambling, the bright lights of the big city.
              • But it doesn’t have to be Vegas
                • It Could be North Carolina, it could be Charlotte, heck, the far country can and is on occasion no further away from us than Coulwood.
              • The fact of the matter is the far country is wherever we are when we’re travelling without God.
                • That’s what the Younger Brother wanted to do. He KNEW IT AND EVEN TOLD HIS DAD.

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