‘Prayer Vigil’ – THIS Saturday, February 1, 8am-noon in our sanctuary – everyone is urged to drop by to pray for 15 min or so to pray for yourself and/or your family, a friend/neighbor in need, our city, state, nation Cand/or our world, and please tell your neighbors they are invited also!
Cook’s Scouts will lead us in worship THIS SUNDAY for ‘Scout Sunday’ – February 2 at 10am (‘Scouting For Food’ is an ongoing annual program of the Boy Scouts of America that begun in 1985 by the Greater St. Louis Area Council. The program involves collecting for local food banks and is organized at the local level throughout the country. Cook’s ‘Boy & Cub Scouts Troop #51’ will be collecting ‘non-perishable food items’ (NO glass containers!) here at Cook’s on Sunday, February 2. Please bring your donations that day to the Narthex and they will take them to a local food bank to help those in need of food!)
and Looking Further Ahead:
Community ‘Daddy / Daughter’ Dance – Sunday, February 23, 4-6pm in Cook’s FH…D.J., dancing, treats, photobooth and more! ALL fathers/grandfathers/uncles etc. are invited to join their daughters/granddaughters/nieces etc. of all ages!
Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper – Tuesday, March 4 – more details to come
Ash Wednesday Prayer/Ashes Service – Wed., March 5, 11:30am-1:30pm, Cook’s sanctuary
Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 12 {tentative date}
Palm Sunday – Sunday, April 13
Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 20