Introduction My Big Fat Greek Wedding Movie – people were gushing over it. So much so that I got curious about it. So, I went - I was curious. Could…
Pastor: Pastor Jason Bryant
Introduction Three Pennies and a Rock story Picking my kids up at the car line. Could see Lillian, she was beaming. “Dad, today I had the best day EVER!” A…
Introduction Story – Gift and Blessing Friends sometimes ask me – what did Natalie get you? Nothing is almost invariably the reply. Now, look, I didn’t get Natalie anything for…
James 1:19-26 – “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the…
Why No Mercy Misunderstandings – Miscommunications happen all the time When I assume everyone thinks the way I do, accidents happen. Story Ludwig Wittgenstein Philosopher, done a lot of things.…
Several months ago, I became aware of something really big. Turns out, I’m a superhero. Well, I don’t know that I’d go that far as I’ve…
One of the many blessings in my life is that, according to others, I’m kinda smart. Please understand, I say that not as a way to brag but rather…
Introduction Statler and Waldorf Muppet Show Sit in the balcony and criticize Funny, amusing but ultimately not very helpful What makes people like that? Insecurities and ignorance Not confident…
As most of you likely already know, I wasn’t always a pastor. Before I felt the call to ministry, I worked in the restaurant…
I don’t think any of us would disagree that as people get to know us, they’re going to rather quickly learn your most common…
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