December 13, 2020

“Advent Joy”

Passage: Isaiah 35:1-6; Acts 13:48-52
Service Type:

“Advent Joy” {outline}

Isaiah 35:1-6 (selected verses); Acts 13:48-52                                                                          December 13, 2020

  1. Introduction – 4:45pm
    1. Remember the exact time when the fun of the holidays died.
    2. Explain the difference between happiness and joy
      1. If we make the joy of 2020 based on what’s happening, it may be a bit harder to pull off.
      2. We can still encounter joy though, through COVID 19, through anything which comes to pass.
        1. But in order to get there, we need to see what the Bible says about encountering joy
      3. Repentance brings joy
        1. Luke 15:7 – “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”
        2. Reflection on repentance – the idea isn’t that we’re capable on this side of hereafter of being perfect, it’s that we by the power of the Holy Spirit, recognize our shortcomings and turn them over to God in repentance.
          1. Shuv – literally, turning away from sin
            1. What do we need to turn away from in this Advent season?
              1. Advent was originally a time of reflection and repentance, like a mini-Lent as we prepared for the coming of Christ.
              2. Over the centuries, the mirth and merriment of the season largely overtook that reflective bent of the season.
                1. I think it’s possible to do both.
                2. To rejoice and the reflect and repent.
                  1. In fact, joy will only multiply in doing so.
  • The Lord's Word brings joy
    1. Psalm 19:8 – “the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
      the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
    2. John 15:11 – “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
    3. Scripture reading data
      1. Only about 1/3 of active Protestant members read the Bible every week. That means 2/3 of us don’t.  What a wasted moment of joy. 
    4. Struggles in Ministry
      1. Came out of seminary a far better theologian than a student of the Bible. In fact, it had gotten so bad that the only time I read the Bible was to prepare a sermon.
        1. It was, as you might imagine, a joy-less enterprise
      2. Life isn’t perfect, but it is at times more joyful.
    5. Reading the Bible can be difficult. That’s what pastors and elders are for. They serve as helpers in your dedication to the Word.
  1. Prayer brings joy
    1. John 16:24 - Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.
    2. Statistics on prayer
      1. 20% of Christians pray daily.
      2. That means 80% don’t!
    3. A spiritual life without prayer is certainly an arid faith, dry, devoid of depth or root.
      1. I remember the first time I saw the joy of prayer….in someone else’s face.
        1. Rosary – 30 minutes of guided prayer on your knees on a kneeler.
          1. I wasn’t ready. It was uncomfortable and I had no connection with Catholicism. 
        2. I can think of no better way to begin and end a day than in the practice of prayer.
          1. But again, this takes practice and discipline.
            1. If you’re a scheduler, schedule time for it.
            2. If you’re a mom or a day that just wants an extra 10 minutes of sleep, I understand, pray in the car on the way to work.
              1. Prayer need not be some formal thing.
            3. Image - Woman at bus stop. Every day, she’s just chatting away to someone on the phone as she walks her kid to the bus stop.
              1. I want to be like that with Jesus, just chattering away in prayer and taking time to listen, too.

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