People that know me, know that I’m a huge Braves fan. In all honesty, I love baseball more than any other sport. A lot of that is because of all…
Many years ago before I was a pastor, I worked as a radio salesperson. Not that I sold radios, rather I sold advertising on a radio station. It was a…
Many years ago, a friend told me that his young son was a great fan of both Captain Kangaroo and Mister Rogers. The boy faithfully watched both of their…
One of my mentors as I was preparing to be a pastor was Rev. Steve Eason at Myers Park Presbyterian Church. As part of my duties at that church,…
Sometimes when I use an illustration, I realize I really am dating myself. Oh, I wish I could be more up-to-date but I largely stopped watching most television programs…
Today's Gospel reading from John 9: speaks to us about the healing nature of God. In this passage, we witness Jesus healing a man who was born blind, and…
There’s a saying that rings true for all parents: Having a child is like having your heart walking around outside of your body. As any parent knows, the process…
This morning is the first Sunday in Lent. Lent is a 40-day journey between Ash Wednesday which we remembered last week and Easter Sunday which we will celebrate on…
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