Introduction When I was growing up, we did Christmas at both my parent’s parents’ houses. First, was Christmas Eve in Lenoir. Then came Christmas Day in Charlotte. They were different…
Introduction Advent can be a glorious time of self-reflection and spiritual growth. It can also easily get subsumed into the broader Christmas season, allowing for little to no peace. You…
Introduction For a family of fine cooks, it isn’t surprising that my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Every year we used to go to my Aunt Judy’s house. There, she and…
Introduction Many, many years ago, I was fortunate to go on an Outward-Bound adventure in the Pisgah national forest. It’s a surprise I lived, I wasn’t very much of an…
Introduction What’s the greatest pep talk you’ve ever heard? I’m sure I’ve heard some good ones along the way. One, in particular, came from a basketball coach when I was…
Introduction Having worked in commercial kitchens, I’ve worked in some places that smelled pretty good. But there is one place on earth that I think smells the best in the…
Introduction Several years ago, I was at Sharon Presbyterian Church. Sitting at a table filled with church members. I was sitting between two couples. They all seemed very friendly. We…
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