October 31, 2021

“Three Pennies and a Rock – Trust”

Passage: Psalm 91; Matthew 18:1-4
Service Type:


  • Child Like Faith – Lillian’s Story
  • Matthew 18:1-4“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
  • Why?
    • First of all, we adults have gotten too big for our britches
      • Notice at the very beginning of this passage why Jesus has to call over a kid in the first place
        • Because they’re trying to establish hierarchies.
          • Who is on TOP!
        • Second of all, the reason we get too big for our britches is that we become too reliant on ourselves.
          • In fact, we come over time to trust ourselves TOO much!
        • Kid’s trust the people who THEY KNOW love them without hesitation!
          • They LEARN FROM THOSE PEOPLE, like sponges.

We Trust Ourselves BUT DON’T TRUST GOD

  • We love ourselves oftentimes far more than we believe God loves us.
    • So, we trust ourselves far more than we trust our God.
  • Remember failures much more readily and acutely than successes with one notable exception – when a success glorifies us, we never forget.
    • We remember God’s FAILURES while also reliving our SUCCESSES
      • Ask Natalie, I can recall every single time I did something above and beyond my routine household duties.
        • Why?
        • Because I probably told Natalie about them 10 times at the very least.
          • Funny how I don’t remember my failures, even when there is a sink full of dirty dishes.
        • Case in point T-Ball Team story – God Failed
          • Blue Bombers – Best team ever
          • Wanted to play so bad.
          • Prayed that night – no rain tomorrow
          • Still remember that one

            Now look, I’ve since learned that God isn’t a machine designed to reward me whenever I ask Him to.  

Reasons We Don’t Trust the Bible Must Be Examined

  • It’s not always as accurate as scholars tell us it should be
    • Click, WHIRR
      • Robert Cialdini
        • Ask someone WHY they don’t TRUST the Bible
        • Standard ANSWERS, like they haven’t put any thought into it what so ever.
          • Who wouldn’t like the idea of being free from what the Bible suggests based on the faulty belief that if it’s WRONG in some areas, it’s wrong in them all?
        • That may be true upon a strictly SCIENTIFIC basis, but as it relates to you and your relationship with Jesus Christ, how could it be INACURATE?

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