Service Type: Sunday Morning
Bible Text: Jeremiah 4:22-28; I Timothy 1:12-17 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | Paul's blasphemy was really an offense against God. His zeal was an assault on the Christian community.…
Bible Text: Jeremiah 18:1-11; Philemon 1:4-21 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | I am quite sure I have never preached about Philemon. I know the story, but digging into it…
Bible Text: Jeremiah 1:4-10; John 6:5-15 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | There is no way to add enough drama to the reading of this story. It is one of…
Bible Text: Psalm 37:3-8; Luke 12:28-32 | Pastor: Joe Chichetti/Men's Sunday
Bible Text: Exodus 13:17-22, 16:11-23; John 11:1-44; Acts 8:26-40
Bible Text: Isaiah 1:1a, 18-20; Luke 11:1-10 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | “Lord: How shall we pray?” The disciples are accustomed to sitting around Jesus’s feet and learning from…
Bible Text: Hosea 11:1-4; Luke 8:26-33 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | I used to meet weekly with a wonderful group of clergy when I served churches in the area…
Bible Text: Amos 8:1-12; Luke 10:38-42 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | The Gospel of Luke is well known for stories about all of God’s children: men, women, and children. …
Bible Text: Amos 7:7-17; John 3:1-8 | Pastor: Lynn Thompson Bryant | These first few verses of John 3 represent a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus: a renowned Teacher…
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